SubstackLike a number of other Medium writers, I’ve made the jump to Substack.Nov 23, 2024Nov 23, 2024
A Few Words To Aspiring Journalists[lightly edited version of an introduction to a local journalism workshop in my very small community]Nov 22, 2024Nov 22, 2024
Dividing Lines: beyond the Left/Right binaryReams have been written — and years of oratory delivered — in political debates between “left” and “right,” between “conservative” and…Nov 3, 20241Nov 3, 20241
The Ethno-State: blessing or curse?[Note: while I was struggling for days on end with this article, editing and dithering, I noticed that someone else has been thinking along…Dec 18, 20232Dec 18, 20232
Yet Another Not A Drag Queen… some musings on moral panics, projection, and patriarchy.Nov 20, 20232Nov 20, 20232
The Bronze Age BacklashThe New Far Right International — perhaps we might call it the International Fascist Tendency? — is making headlines worldwide. While…Nov 18, 20233Nov 18, 20233
Unstable Diffusion: stochastic terrorism and turbulent priestsWell, by now everyone’s heard about it and everyone’s talking about it. In Lewiston, Maine (Maine!) an angry white man — with an online…Oct 28, 20235Oct 28, 20235
In Praise of My Native TongueEnglish is a lot like a rambling old mansion that has been added on to ad hoc, over generations upon generations… so that every possible…Oct 25, 20231Oct 25, 20231