Like a number of other Medium writers, I’ve made the jump to Substack.
You can find my new publication there — currently it’s called “Rosa’s Choice” until/unless I find a name I like better.
I’ll continue to publish on Medium as well, but it seems like Substack may offer better subscriber features. I think I like the editing/publishing interface a bit better also.
I’m not monetising my writing, here or on Substack. That won’t change. Save your hard-earned bucks for other writers who need it more; I write for free.
Here’s what the front page of the Substack publication looks like.
I have moved my Medium archive to Substack so you can find all the same articles there (except the poetry which I’ll gather into a separate publication and then update this notice).
Best wishes to all. These are troubled and troubling times; let’s support our local communities, organise grassroots democratic initiatives, struggle to preserve representative and competent governance… and be kind to each other.